"He's Great, But He's Not My Boy."
This was the line that continually fell out of my mouth when referring to
C. I haven't gushed about him here, and I think it's time to tell that story considering all that has taken place, and what may come.
It all started a couple of months ago. My friend, A, had left her abusive husband (again) and moved in with some co-worker of hers at the bloodbank. So, this gentleman and I ended up almost arguing on the phone one day, and I realized that we had a couple of points of view in common. She ends up bringing him to The Grind to meet me- she thinks we will hit it off. Yeah, right. He's short. He had a Harley. Ummm......'Not so much'. So, this guy walks in and he is cute. Better than cute...wild animal blue eyes, and built like a brick shit house. Beyond that, not my type. He showed up on his Harley- this will not impress me!- and ugh...not my type! I am still ill at this point, and I am learning not to be so judgemental...so we talk anyway. He's never been to a coffeehouse before, he likes beer not martinis or wine, he likes baseball not football, he doesn't like sushi- A: What were you thinking?!?! Now, I can see this man is very intelligent. And this small frame is very toned and rock hard. I know he should have "Good Man" tattooed on his forhead, but the constant assistance he doles out to my friend whenever she is in the slightest need. ("Do you need that funrniture moved? Do you need a cell phone? Where are you stranded?" ) So, I ask him, what did you do today? Well, he
played baseball and then went to the baseball
game. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
A couple of weeks go by, and he wants to meet at The Grind again. Sure. I invite my housemate, and my brother. We play a few rounds of pool, and then go home. The search for compatible conversation was exhausting. A couple of days later, he asks me if I want to see the Matrix with him that night. I do not know why I am going, but I say yes. Could he pick me up? No, I will meet him at his place- it makes for an easier exit. He makes me a drink, and we again begin to blow through topics, searching for a common thread. He begins talking about moving, and his girlfriend choose this apartment...I ask, "Did your girlfriend move here from Indiana with you?" He replies, "Oh, no. She grew up in the same small town I grew up in." "Where is that?", I ask. "Oh, a little small town in IL- you have probably never heard of it. Litchfield.." My eyes grew wide..."OMG...you are THAT C. R.?!?!? I didn't even place the name." He thinks I am kidding. We grew up in the same small town. Over half of my life, I have lived within 5 miles of this man. He went to high school with my brother, remembers him, we have common friends, etc. This is definately too fucking odd.
And that's all it took. A few days later, I met him for coffee around 9 (just after a dinner date at six) I saw him as I approached, and I realized I had missed him a little. It was so good to be near him again.
He has my fabulously twisted sense of humor...but in a more stealth fashion. We are still opposites on the surface, but the chatter never stops. Underneath it all, we are very much alike. It's rather funny, actually. Out of all the men I have dated, after the two I have loved.....I find a man from Litchfield...where I began? Yes, I will have the double dose of irony with humble gratitude for dessert. I have never met a man that treats me so well, and so consistantly. Oh! There is one more thing we have in common. I always believed that the first kiss and the first romp were "handshake" activities. You have your style, and they have their style, and it can be a little bumpy at first, but eventually you find you find a style that's just yours. Not this time, baby. My bad. No; we are both crazy, coming out of our first passionate affair with a few scratches and bruises. He got mad skills!
If you cannot tell by now, I am madly in love with him. And here's the big thing- last night he brought up the idea of M and I moving in with him once I finds a house. This has to be between Aug 1 and Sep 30. This is fast. He said that we will discuss this once we are sans-M...that could be tonight. Within the next few days, I am sure it will come up. The kicker is, if we can work out the details- location, placement of pets, etc...I am going to do it. I think I am crazy, and I have dated for three years and NEVER considered this with anyone, but I am thinking hard about it now. He has three closest friends- I met one last weekend, I meet Doug and C's entire family over the fourth- Maddie and I are going to stay with him and his family for a huge party and fireworks at the lake- and I meet his other bestest buddy a couple of days later, when we go to Indiana. This man means business. I am taking him with Maddie and I to the entire family reunion on Saturday. I haven't taken anyone to meet my family in over six years! I think they all suspect I went gay. Heh.
Tonight, due to his new power and position within the company, we have been invited to a Wolfgang Puck event at the Science Center. Oh, how nice. I still joke with the boy that he's a hick, with his big truck, and domestic beer, and gun safe, and Harley, and his dog that eats cats....but he is a potent concoction of class and testosterone. God, help me....