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Dancing Shiva

Ramblings and Rants From An UnCensored Woman



Life is too damned good sometimes. Sure, I haven't slept in weeks, but other than the insomnia-based insanity....life is good. Oh, and I have gained 12 feakin' pounds with my baby boy. I am sure that 10 of it is breast, however.

My baby boy, Jackson Charles, will be here (hopefully) in August. Please. Jackson, don't turn mommy into a fat-ass forever, ok?

My husband is a god. He woke up at 3:30 am to do the dishes that I was too tired to finish last night. Last week, he brought home white roses- my favorite. He rubbed my feet on Sunday night. So, I bought tickets to the Cards/Cubs game on Saturday night. I am so excited. A date with the hub!!! I am working on getting his friends from Indiana to come stay with us as a 6-mo wedding anniversary gift. I sing his praises, I tells ya!

A couple of friends have asked about the Dr. Laura experiment. Well, reality gets in the way. I am sick, our schedules are demanding, add company and kids, you got a lackluster romance...HOWEVER, I am still determined. Our time together HAS increased, and I must say that we are both happier for it. Once I get through a full 7-day period, I will disclose a full report.

Note: I would like to invite everyone to view my new favorite movie, Happy Accidents. I got three words for ya: Vincent D'Onofrio: YUM. Some dork online compared this to Kate and Leopold. Uh...right...did you fucking see the movie?


My friends will be so disgusted...

I never meant for it to go this way, really...I didn't. At first it was so harmless...my husband just appreciated me there, occasionally pretending to be interested. He knew that I was just doing this for him...almost like a gift. I could suffer through. Somehow, it changed...

I started asking questions.."How do you.....Is that good...But, what if....????" I am sure he thought I was only asking to educate myself about his needs...I am such a fabulous wife.

THEN...I started doing it when no one was at home, just by myself. I was shocked to find myself locked in my bedroom, doing the unthinkable! I told my husband...I thought maybe I could share it with him...Now, he rushes home and lies me on the bed, kissing me and begging for all the juicy details that he has missed seeing for himself. Please, rmember I am the same old girl you have always known ad adored...But, It's true, guys...I have become a Cubs Fan!!!!!


Dear Mr. President....

Weren't you going to beg OPEC to not cutback on production by 1,000,000 barrels a day? Ummm...I kinda thought that was a pretty good idea, even from you. But, the latest independent news sources still report that you have yet to contact OPEC. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Kids- check out this website--- takes you to highest and lowest gas in STL area. How cool!