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Dancing Shiva

Ramblings and Rants From An UnCensored Woman


To Both of my Concerned Readers

No, you are not the "whiny ass" I was referring to in my post on "Effort". I was referring to my next door neighbor, Tim. Tim who is finally draining his pool so that he can move away. (hopefully far, far away) Note: after you have filled a pool and left the same water (entire amount) sit for over a year, your neighbors will be pissed when you finally drain it due to the stench filling the neighborhood and the sudden plethera of frogs with no homes. It's like a fucking plague over here!

Also, I would like to note, that if you thought that I was referring to you personally in that aforementioned post, you may want to seriously examine your character-- hey, after all-- you were the one that thought I was describing you, not me.


Only in Jefferson County

As I rolled up the hill into Gravois Bluffs (techically St. Louis County, I believe) to do my grocery shopping, I noticed a couple on the side of the road, on foot, headed out of the shopping center. Both early to mid-twenties, hoosiers. She with a baby stroller, and he heavily puffing a cigarette. Then I noticed his t-shirt. It read, "Got Oxygen?"


I must vent for a moment, after all, that's what my blog is for- it's cathardic. I have a pet peeve, a particular distate, if you will. Feel free to go into my archives and read, "You, too, can choose not to be a pathetic motherfucker". It's very much along the same lines.

Life is a difficult dance. Let's run with that analogy, shall we...? You can go listen to a band, and watch all of the people dancing. Most people are dancing the same way to the same type of music. However, if you really scan the crowd, there will be a few that are simply doing their own very unique and original dance. And god bless these people for trying, but most look like complete idiots. You've seen those people that look like puppets on crack with their strings suddenly cut. These are the people that generally think they are way too cool for their own good, and they approach life with the same laissez-faire attitude.

Note: Beneath their carefree surface, these people actually do realize that they are failures and are simply trying to navigate the minefield existance that they have created for themselves in their spare time. Spotting and categorizing these individuals is rather easy- they have a catchphrase that is repeated on their end of the conversation over and over again like a mantra on an old and broken "33". Listen closely, because if you hear, "I'm gonna...." more than three times in an hour, you've been sucked into becoming a sounding board to one of these life-sucking bastards.

Now, in all fairness, in the same crowd, there are a few of these dancers that are marching to their own beat, and you cannot help but be captivated and enthralled by their perspective and performance. These are truly the great ones in life- artists, poets, painters, Lou Dobbs, etc.

The complication comes in the fact that most of the misfits will call themselves poets and artists, when truly they are attempting to recreate Logan's Run with their supposed escape of the trappings in the world- you know, making an actual contribution to their society, or even just their loved ones.

My point is, effort is a beautiful thing. I am not one to criticize those that truly- keyword truly- try and fail. But, I am so tired of those that never truly try. Attempting to extract true effort from these whiny fucks is like beating a dead horse.

So, there, I said it.



I bought my tix for tomorrow. Mom and I are off to see the Da Vinci Code. I hear it got some major jeers at Cannes, but the NY Post gave it four stars. Well, I'll just have to wait and see. I also heard that the movie is very true to the book, so I cannot understand how it could be less than great. If applied properly, the charachter of Robert Langdon could make Tom Hanks sexy for life.


a WHAT Shortage?!?!?

So, since my husband is a heavy-starch kind of guy, we have begun taking his shirts to the dry cleaners as well as his pants. I find it a bit frivolous, but he brings home the bacon, so it's his call, if that's what he wants....

For over a year, my dry cleaners has a sign hanging in their window that simply pisses me off.

"There is a severe hanger shortage in the US, please..." (something.... something...I don't remember the rest.) The reason I don't remember the rest is that the first part of the request is what burns my ass.

A hanger shortage? You must be joking. It's not a fucking fossil fuel. We can make more, right? There has got to be a factory somewhere that will make these. How is this even possible? I did google this very issue, and I only found a few others like me, blogging and asking "WTF?" on myspace.

I have yet to see any of this on CNN. I guess immigration policy is a sexier story. Maybe the illigal immigrants could help us with this shortage. Perhaps, without us being aware, the Mexican people are steeped in a rich history of hanger-making. There. Once again, I may have a solution to all of the world's problems.


Diamonds and Sex are a Girl's Best Friend

Woohoo! It's mother's day and I got an amazing gift from my husband! A new engagement ring! My old one--- deep, dark secret here-- was a CZ. When we married, we were lacking the income we have now, and it was just before payday to boot. So, my hub replaced my old ring with a new, PERFECT diamond. These things never mattered to me...I guess that's why I don't wear a bunch of jewelry...who decided "this rock is better than that rock" or "Diamonds are expensive, but hematite is cheap." Personally, sure, diamonds sparkle, but I always loved the look of hematite. I am a silly woman, I suppose. I think the big expensive diamond is a "dick thing"for him, but I think he just bought it because it's like buying free nightly sex for a year :)