a WHAT Shortage?!?!?
So, since my husband is a heavy-starch kind of guy, we have begun taking his shirts to the dry cleaners as well as his pants. I find it a bit frivolous, but he brings home the bacon, so it's his call, if that's what he wants....
For over a year, my dry cleaners has a sign hanging in their window that simply pisses me off.
"There is a severe hanger shortage in the US, please..." (something.... something...I don't remember the rest.) The reason I don't remember the rest is that the first part of the request is what burns my ass.
A hanger shortage? You must be joking. It's not a fucking fossil fuel. We can make more, right? There has got to be a factory somewhere that will make these. How is this even possible? I did google this very issue, and I only found a few others like me, blogging and asking "WTF?" on myspace.
I have yet to see any of this on CNN. I guess immigration policy is a sexier story. Maybe the illigal immigrants could help us with this shortage. Perhaps, without us being aware, the Mexican people are steeped in a rich history of hanger-making. There. Once again, I may have a solution to all of the world's problems.
You are correct! The hanger making traditions have been passed down the line of mexican generations since the time of the Incas and Aztecs. They even had a god for it who sadly perished in the rumored washdryfold war in the sky I believe he lost to the Aztec god of neckties!
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