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Dancing Shiva

Ramblings and Rants From An UnCensored Woman


Just Bitchin'

A few things to get off my chest, just a few tiny random rants.....

Regarding the White House investigation: You are one of the most pwerful men in the world, and yet you still choose to go by the name "Scooter". Oh, yeah, you are goin' down!!! You are getting your indictment papers faster than a black man is gonna die in a horror flick!!!! Why is this any surprise?

Regarding PETA: I am all for the ethical treatment of animals. However, I do not believe that ethical treatment should compromise my life, or the ability to improve my life. Of course, should not destroy the rainforest, and of course no bovines should be harmed during the filming of a fabulous cinematic tornado scene. That said, I do support animal testing within reason. I knew this girl who raided her parents' medicine cabinet and wrote little messages on eveything, such as, "Tested on bunnies!". Well, Thank God!!!! I want to know what happened to those bunnies before I use that toothpaste in my mouth!!!! There is a fucking god-given food chain for a reason. Here's the deal, baby bunny. I consume you now- not for reckless fun, but as neccessary- and you consume me later. Eat me when I am dead. I think that's fair. And even if it wasn't, I did not set up the system. Bitch to the Almighty. So, what do these people say when they are holding their cancer- ridden dying child in their hands?!? Do they allow their child to be administered a life-saving medication that was previously tested on animals? That's what I really want to know. You are damned right they do.

So, today, make sure that you stop for a moment and give your thanks, praise, and rememberance to they bunnies with no eyeballs left, to the mice with human ears growing on their backs, and all of the monkeys with an 800 cold-crank Diehard battery hooked up to their genitals. God bless all of God's creatures.


At 12:15 PM, Blogger She Dances in Dragon said...

*giggle* PETA. You gotta love people who's sole dedication in life is to spread fear and hate.
... Wait a second... No! You *don't* gotta love them! Why do people say that? Sorry, just rambling in your comments to show that I've been here. :)


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