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Dancing Shiva

Ramblings and Rants From An UnCensored Woman


And if You Really Want to Help...

...you could always adopt a soldier.


...and here's what I wrote

In my inbox, I find a link to this:


It's a really heartfelt site where you can choose your own thank you card designed by children (or it at least looks the case) and you add your own message to a soldier. Here was what I wrote. Every damned American citizen should say thanks for my rights, or something to these people!

Wherever you may be serving, near or far, America thanks you. You are making sacrifices and contributions I cannot even imagine. I am against the Iraq war, but I strongly support the brave soldiers that protect our country. Please remember that people like me oppose the war--which means I disagree with the President-- that doesn't mean that you are not remembered, respected, honored, recognized, and prayed for every day. To you and your family, I say thanks.

Respect. Pass it on!



Accidentally saved yesterday's post as a draft, so I just popped it up. Today is the worst day for my surgical recovery. I need a PEZ dispenser for my Vicadin. I bet if PEZ makes one, Rush Limbaugh's head will be on top!

So, I start volunteering at the food pantry next Friday. And I am starting an at-home daycare business. That's all for today-- I hurt too bad, and I have a gi-normous assload of laundry to sort! Ouch on both counts.


No, It's Not a Joke

So, I went to church today, and guess who the new Sunday school teacher is going to be? Fuck me! It's me! So far, anyone that has heard this news drops their jaw and stutters. And then they laugh hysterically! My hub thinks it's extra- pervy to make the Sunday school teacher talk dirty to him. Love it!

I have also decided to open my own (very small) daycare business. I am only going to take in two children at the MAX. But, this is where the new title of "Sunday school teacher" can really pay off, my hub pointed out. Love him. He's using Jesus to boost profits!


Oral Adventures

So, today I had a big 'ol bunch of fun. Nothin' gets a weekend rockin' like oral surgery from a stranger! I was uber nervous since I was completely unfamiliar with the doc, and chose him for a mere two reasons: he was covered by my dental insurance, and he could get me in.

I had both wisdom teeth on the right cut out, but this time, I was completely sedated. Damn-- was that good! He placed the IV in my elbow, and I barely felt a stick. I stared to say, "I am feeling a bit relaxed", but literally felt the sensation of mild relaxation, and I do not remember anything after that. I was OUT! Hot damned. I am swollen, and to my husband's chagin, my mouth is very sore. This guy gave me more vicadin-- with refills this time! I think I'm in love.

You always hear the occasional horror story about any form of sedation-- in fact, my husband said, I hope you don't come back pregnant! Well, the doc was a good sixty years old, but let's hope his motility is declining. After his wonderful expertise and craftsmanship, he could have touched a boobie and I don't think I'd care that much. I wouldn't send my daughter, but I would still refer him out! Just kidding. I have told everyone what a great experience I have had! I felt good enough to run out and hit three stores worth of errands with my daughter!

Well, tomorrow I have to get to work on cleaning the storm damage, and I think I'll just try to take it easy. I am going back to the library...just read a novel by Marian Chesney...a murder mystery....not captivating, but a good read. Maddie and I tried out another UCC church, the one that's closest to home, and we want to make sure we get to go again on Sunday morning. Now that I am part of "The Religious Left"!

I also need to get his weight off! Time to get motivated.


Allah be Praised

Whoa. Did we have a storm tonight. Thank god everyone is alright. My children were huddled in our half bath on the main (and lowest) level. The weather radio was going off like mad. There was a tornado definately to our north, and possibly to our west as well. Our front doors blew open, letting the storm blow like a rage into our house. I heard a couple of undefinable noises, and it seems we lost a tree limb, and it bounced off of our roof. We were lucky-- our subdivision still has power. It seems most places don't right now.

One stroke of genius: This is how I got my two year old to stay locked in the bathroom for over an hour: I gave him a cake- A CAKE- and a fork. Storms are coming again on Friday. Looks like I'll be baking tomorrow night!


Well, I was really all over my own ass last night, after my husband pulled out the flip-it, even though I had done the floors about 5 hours before. I feel as though I am working my arse off, yet not making a difference. I am going to try to list stuff on my blog that I accomplished through the day, and maybe that will remind me to take that saddle off my back!

Today I did two loads of dishes, scrubbed the high chair, the exosaucer, and the kitchen trash can. I made my bed, and took down all the dirty laundry. I emptied Maddie's trash, brought in the trash cans from the weekly pick up and sorted the mail. I fed the children, and conquered three loads of laundry. The cats pans have been scooped, and the laundry room swept. The upsatirs has been Fabreezed. I finally found an oral surgeon and got an appt. for Friday. I shot off a couple of emails, and I went to Walmart to pick up Orajel for myself, and for Hunter.

I guess it's not too bad a list, but it never seems like enough, does it? I also checked into college. I had a dream last night that I had never finished high school. I know what the deal is with that. I have realized that I am ashamed of not finishing college. I feel like this magic number is the end of my life, and it's closing in on my life. A third of my life is over, and I have the yardstick out-- I am not too happy with the progress. But, to make it worse, this review comes at a time when i am unable to live my own life, rather I am living it for others. So, it's not as though I am making great strides or able to make drastic changes at the moment.

I am making sure that being a SAHM doesn't mean that my children just sit on the couch, either. I see a great deal of moms that overstimulate their children with activities and competition, but I find a great deal more just let their kids sit on their behinds and let them do what ever they want. This is the ultimate neglect, I believe. You are raising people here, and you just created another bum. Just what America needs! Thanks to those parents for their contribution. My children will be taxed to pay for your thirty-year-old's government cheese. I am a bit bitchy due to the pain. I won't get any relief for another couple of days.

I am going to try to workout tomorrow. I think I am going to do Gilad, because it's only a half an hour, and you just can't take that guy seriously. He sure as hell doesn't. He cracks me up.



My best friend is in Israel. I am fearful and praying like every hour. Yeah, me praying...WTF???? Especially a UCC member for a conservative jew! I love life!!!! I called her yesterday (check it out, with Vonage it's only $ .05/minute. If I still has SWB/At&T, it would have cost me more to call Jefferson City! Fuck me!) and she still feels rather safe. she promised she would come home if "it got too bad". Love her, miss her soooooooo much!

An Inconvenient Truth

Let me start off by noting that I am one of those "bleeding heart liberals". I have made some really horrid mistakes in the "chutes n' ladders" of life, and been sent reeling to rock bottom before I realized what has even happened. Everyone makes some big mistakes, and failure is bound to happen. Cool, I get that.

Unfortunately, what I have learned is that most people are in a bad way becasue they got themselves there and do not learn from their mistakes. I hate this lesson. Because I, as a BHL, want to believe that we are all simply victims of W and his regurgetated form of "trickle down".

I was driving down a major road yesterday, children in the car, etc....I passed a woman very pregnant, in 90 degree heat (and rising), carring a toddler. My bleeding heart begins to ache, and I am headed home. After a few seconds, I realize I cannot continue driving, and I turn the car around to give her a lift. I am just south of Jeffco and 141...She gets in the car, and the first thing I notice is that she doesn't buckle up. (Ummmm...you are 7 months pregnant!) and then she places her two- year-old to stand (in front of the air bag) on the floorboard of my car. The girl is a doll and I notice that her teeth are bad....(ummm...there are PLENTY of free dental clinics for kids!). She wants me to drive her to south city. UM....that's two counties away! Ok, so, I do. I take her to her mother-in-law's, and when she his not home, I drop her to the food pantry the mother in law works at. (She was planning on walking this??? While carrying a toddler? My ass.) So she tells me that she lives in Fenton, her and her hub and child, in her mom's trailer with mom, and her brother stole their car. (bummer. my brother never even did that one!) Her husband has severe mental problems, and cannot work, and his disablity is only $500/month. (so let's have more children with the crazy guy??? ok, well, unplanned pregnancy happend, but you can get your pills for free or almost free from planned parenthood, but I have had an unplanned pregnancy, so I am understanding....). She has an appt. to get more welfare in 2 days, but needs help until then. She'll walk back, because the rest of her in-laws work, and they don't get off until 5:00. (ummm. you are going to try walking again?)

MY DAUGHTER gave her $5 for bus fare for the two of them to get back. (Walking through 2 counties during a heat advisory while pregnant and carring a small child.....not good) She said her OB wanted her to get WIC, of course she hasn't seen her OB this month, and didn't get there the month before, either.

Ok, I get it. I was destitute and hopeless with my ex. My family helped me. But, I worked, I paid rent, my parents didn't pay for my daughter's things, I went to school so I could make a better life for her. Somebody in that family should consider employment, becasue as she said, "the government just doesn't pay you enough to live on." Well, two things to that....your SS $$$ is determined by how much you have worked, earned, and paid into it. Also, you are not SUPPOSED to live off of the government. Welfare is great-- but it's supposed to be temporary. I would scrub toilets if I had to, but I just don't see that in most people. This is the case of someone not learnign from their mistakes. I was scared shitless when I was broke, and decided that my child would not suffer because I married a bum, or whatever that problem is. I prayed for her and that little girl last night, and I will continue to do so. We all need help from time to time, and god knows I sure did. I have recently been burned by helping people, literally giving my last dollar and bouncing checks after. It makes me sad to think that I have opened my eyes to these things. Ignorance is truly bliss.