Reefer Madness
The latest studies indicate that marajuana may provide an increased risk to a case of the crazies.
My ex husband is a pot head, and he lies so much that I don't think he can any longer differentiate his haze-filled ideas from reality.
The one small point I want to make, however, is wisdom from my good friend Autumn. She truly taught me about dating, and my poor selections. She asked me one night if I would consider dating a man that smoked marajuana. I stated that I would consider it, as long as he ONLY smoked pot, and did not use other drugs (I thought at the time that all other illegal drugs were "dangerous". Of course, you are reading the blog of a girl whose brother was a drug addict, but I only smoked a handful of times, and decided it was a poor decision.) She then asked if I believed marajuana use was acceptable, and I stated my beliefs about marajuana and its low risk. She asked if I knew people that smoked on a regular basis. I said yes. These weren't my friends, except for one, but sure....I knew several.
And then she asked how many if these people were dependable people with consistant lives. Did they excel at their careers? Did they have careers? How many of them were over-achievers?
I never dated another pot-smoker again.
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