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Dancing Shiva

Ramblings and Rants From An UnCensored Woman


Thanks for Thinking of Me????

Ok, so have you ever gone into your email inbox with your little cup of coffee, only to find that your inbox contains email that you find objectionable?

No, I am not taking about the occasional viagra offer I receive, or a bout of spam....I'm talking about things that loved ones send to me. Loved onnes, for crying our loud! If I can't trust you with my email, what CAN I trust you with?

This morning, it was a kick-ass prayer overheard in the Senate. Yeah, I pray that Missouri Medicaid will be fully reinstated, but I don't think we actually need to pray while the House is in session! And, how hypocrytical is that anyway????

"Lord, please give us the knowledge and wisdom to uphold your grace throughout this nation. All those in favor of closing the programs to benefit financially-disadvantaged wheelchair-bound children , say yea." I don't believe in school prayer, either, Mom. No one is stopping anyone from praying in school! You just can't have a group prayer (jesus) and/or sermon. And, I bet you damned well, that if some child brought his rug and asked which way was east, he'd be sent to the principal's office! Our average American school doesn't spend ten minutes studying Allah, and we sure aren't making fair and equal time. You want to hang a cross in my children's school? You'd better serve kosher meals in the cafeteria, as well! You can't hang the ten commandments in a courthouse- our laws are just that, ours. Dealing with the almighty is another goody bag altogether. God's never going to let you off with 6 months for kiddie porn.

My personal hated favorites are the ones with a prayer, and a crying Jesus, or a dancing Leprechun, that state I need to send this to all of my friends in 4 minutes, or 7 minutes, and my sins will be forgiven, or I will receive dancing Barbies on my computer screen, and a large sum of money. If I don't send it, my husband will die in a head-on collision with a tractor-trailor. The part that cracks me up, is that those are most often sent by my mother-in-law....why would she even take the chance???!??!??


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