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Dancing Shiva

Ramblings and Rants From An UnCensored Woman


Beware- This Will Offend

Riiiiight. So, every day or so, or other minute, I hear or see something that is total bullshit. SO, as a disclaimer, let me point out that I love and admire people in all colors, forms, and from all walks of life. Except lazy bastards and liars. But, I think we've already established that, haven't we?

A couple of things, here really. There is always a damned good reason why a cliche is a cliche. If you've lived on this earth, you'll find it's true, regardless of how much your bleeding/liberal heart (like mine) struggles against believeing it. The phrase "dirty hippe" came to mind this morning, as I read abut how this woman washes her hair once a week. I don't know about you, but my hair would slide right off of my head. Don't tell me I only need to rinse it. I must also note that I am the type of person that only uses hair products for weddings and funerals. The fucking characters in Clan of the Cave Bear wash more than that, dude. That's not cool.

I also hate that someone that makes about a third or half of what we make, with 1/3 of the children that I have, tell me that I should cut back on my consumption. I don't believe in driving my brand-new H3 around town,but I have noticed that it's people with the least amount to do are the most opinionated. My father in law, god love him, is the most opinionated person I have EVER met. He's aware of this. He will also tell you he hasn't gotten much else to do. It's really easy to brag on your lack of consumption when you have less money to spend, and less to spend it on. What people don't realize is I buy almost NOTHING new, and I buy almost everything on clearance or for a hell of a bargin. I have to be cheap, I don't have that much to go around. No offense, but if you had two Volvos in the driveway, you wouldn't ride the fucking bus. Get real. It's almost impossible to live in step with our society, as well as with nature, because the two are getting farther apart every day. What keeps the two connected, unfortunately, is poverty. Ask just about anyone in Sri Lanka. We live in a fast-paced Big-Mac-your-ass sort-of-America, and if you want to not live that life, great, Mr. Thoreau- go to the woods because you wish to live deliberately. I admire that. I'm getting as close as I can to a simple life where I thank the heavens every day for the sky and my children, just another night in my husband's arms. Maybe it's just because I spend all that time cleaning my house and shaving my hoo-hoo that I don't have time to brag on my own righteousness.......


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Moderator said...

Washing your hair once a week? That's nasty.

But I shouldn't talk. I haven't brushed my teeth in a month.


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